Advocacy Efforts
Specific to the Deaf, Hard-of-hearing, and DeafBlind Communities
Be a part of the solution.
Congressional Action
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, Congress and the administration are taking a number of steps to respond.
Featured Contributions
We extend our utmost gratitude to those members in our community who share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences with us to learn, grow, and improve. All are welcome to submit original articles and vlogs that shed light on the issues impacting our communities in this time of uncertainty. Please submit below and join our growing catalogue of information.
The Daily Moth – March 25, 2020
Daily Moth Story - March 25, 2020 The Daily Moth covered the story of the
Unemployment Information by State
Unemployment Information by State A full exhaustive list of Unemployment links by state provided by
Social Security Information
Social Security Information What is Social Security doing about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Deaf in Scrubs : Deaf medical professionals
Deaf in Scrubs : Deaf Medical Professionals Get up-to-date medical and scientific knowledge in American