About Us

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Curated Content

With the coronavirus outbreak, there was suddenly a huge influx of information everywhere.  The challenge is that a large percentage of this information is inaccessible to those who depend on American Sign Language (ASL) as their primary language – the Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and DeafBlind communities.

Many live streamed press conferences were inaccessible, especially from the White House, the CDC, and various federal-level task forces. To make that information accessible, RID forged a partnership with DPAN.tv, Convo, and the Daily Moth, to create a daily live-streamed, ASL-interpreted, and captioned version of the White House Press conferences.  Other partners also joined – CSD, for example, provided CART services, which became captions – since the live streams were not captioned directly from the source.

The problem remained of how to find the ASL-accessible sources that might be available, but were scattered all over thee internet. It is a combination of too many resources being shared, while too few are actually accessible.

This site attempts to become a crowd-sourced, central index for accessible materials.

Our Staff Team

Networkers, typers, finders, and indexers.

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Our Staff Team

Networkers, editors, content finders, and master indexers.

Join Our Team

Jonathan Webb

RID President

Jenelle Bloom


Maxann Keller


Brie Montoya


Neal Tucker
